Accounting Office Piraeus Attica - D&G Accounting - Accounting - Tax - Business Consultants

Accounting Office Piraeus Attica - D&G Accounting - Accounting - Tax - Business Consultants

6966 Visitors:
Address: Olinthou 58
Area: Pireas
Telephone: 2121057337
Mobile: 6972931032
P.C.: 18545
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The Accounting - Tax office D&G Accounting is based in Piraeus and provides with full professionalism, consistency and reliability, the processing of all types of accounting and tax needs of your business. We responsibly undertake to provide you with complete solutions in the organization, computer monitoring, regular updating and control of the accounting books of your business, as well as the provision of financial advice for your business. In addition, by providing a high level of s...
6966 Visitors:

Olinthou 58, Pireas

6966 Visitors:

The Accounting - Tax office D&G Accounting is based in Piraeus and provides with full professionalism, consistency and reliability, the processing of all types of accounting and tax needs of your business.

We responsibly undertake to provide you with complete solutions in the organization, computer monitoring, regular updating and control of the accounting books of your business, as well as the provision of financial advice for your business.

In addition, by providing a high level of services as well as immediate service, we meet all kinds of obligations of your business aiming at its successful empowerment and development.

We provide services to individuals and professionals with a single phone call!


Tax statements
VAT, tax deductions and payments
Start-ups - Changes - Company breaks
Financial and technical advice and studies
6966 Visitors:

Olinthou 58

Telephone: 2121057337
Mobile: 6972931032

Working Hours
